Our Values
A wise man once said “Values create shape and perpetuate the ethics of the organization” in the pursuit of our goal:
- By God’s grace we desire to eliminate religious irrelevance and prefer to build people into Christ by raising people who express the life and power of the kingdom of God.
- We believe that God’s plan of redemption covers the whole world, so is ours. We shall use every available technology to reach this generation for Christ, until all the families on the planet are reached with the gospel.
- We adhere uncompromisingly to honesty and integrity in matters pertaining to the mission, whatever the consequences. This will always be manifested by Biblical standards of ethics, morality and financial accountability.
- We choose to be an authentic church, returning to and expressing the values and roots of our Christian faith in a contemporary way.
- We believe that a relationship is the glue that holds everything together. We will devote more time to building health and genuine inter-personal relationships therefore our local congregation takes priority over all national and international missions.
- We believe God our Saviour, who alone is wise and holy, is creative, innovative, and full of styles. He desires us to serve Him with our styles, flavour and fun. We encourage creative and innovative strategies inspired by the Holy Spirit, implemented through policies and structures that are characterized by mutual trust and cooperation.
- We diligently maintain and promote the dignity and work of each individual. We are committed at all levels of leadership to create an organizational climate conducive to continuing personal growth and development in every area of our lives.