Choose limitless LIFE!

Choose limitless LIFE!

“This day I call heaven and earth as witness against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curses. NOW choose life, so that you and your children may live” Deuteronomy 30:19. Did you know that God has a wonderful plan for you? “I have come,” Jesus says, “That [you] may...

August 25, 2022August 25, 2022by
Your Total Recovery

Your Total Recovery

We are flooded with testimonies from people whose lives have been touched and changed by the power of God through this ministry . . . One woman recently wrote, “I cannot begin to describe to you the liberation I have experienced because of your message ‘Total Recovery.’  I heard it on a day when I was...

August 25, 2022August 25, 2022by
The Foundation for Prosperous Life

The Foundation for Prosperous Life

What are the two or three things that concern you the most right now? Do they involve your finances? Your health? Your family? Are you troubled by mistakes you made in the past? This may surprise you, but the devil understands something that most Christians don’t. Perhaps as you study… you’ve noticed that the Bible...

August 25, 2022August 25, 2022by
Blessed and Not Cursed!

Blessed and Not Cursed!

“It seems like I’m just living from paycheck to paycheck!” “I know God loves me, but why do bad things keep happening to me?” “I can’t seem to make ends meet.” “Why are my kids such a challenge?” “Why don’t things seem to be getting any better?” “I can’t seem to shake off this sickness.”...

August 25, 2022August 25, 2022by
The Drive For Power

The Drive For Power

Did you know there is ONE pursuit above all others that every individual and nations in this world is after? More than money, more than sex, more than anything…it is the pursuit of the ages – it is the PURSUIT OF POWER! In one form or another, everything this world seeks after all boils down...

August 25, 2022August 25, 2022by